The results are in and it showed that their are a lot of great Modified drivers in West Michigan. The leading selection was (other) for drivers not listed. I thought of many names when doing this poll like Fowler, Ruhman, etc but kept it to drivers who primarily raced at West Michigan tracks. Stay tuned for the next Poll! and remember these polls are for bench racing and entertainment purposes and do not reflect the opinions of myself.
Who is the Best Modified Driver in West Michigan?
Other (27%)
John McCaul (19%)
Todd Feutz( 17%)
Mark Anderson (9%)
Troy Marciniak (9%)
Myron DeYoung (7%)
Brad Roberts (3%)
Rich Robinson Jr (6%)
come on people U all forgeting about one Jake Poel he kill Mark saturday at I-96 speedway and kill them at Mt. Pl I know that Poeley one to bet too.....we comong for McCaul Friday...